Quilo Brand and Marketing Guidelines

Guidelines and dowloadable kits to communicate Quilo to your customers in as many ways as you can use “Quilo” in a sentence (quite a lot).

Our Brand’s DNA

Quilo is all about Responsible Credit. It is in our (Brand’s) DNA. Its a stamp of approval for trustworthy and reliable financial services.

Our Brand’s DNA

This section features the basics of the Quilo brand to be referred to whenever you are using / mentioning Quilo. Please make sure to follow the guidelines provided in the Brand Manual.

Our Brand’s DNA

Includes our Brand manifesto, Brand Manual and Brand assets in various formats.

Source Serif Font

Download the installable font (the very same one you are reading this text on!) (Link directs to Google Fonts)

Co-Branding with Quilo

Quilo is always to be used side-by-side your branding whenever you are talking about Quilo. It has been designed with flexibility and adaptability in mind.

The Quilo Signature

We have created a specific mechanism to display your brand alongside Quilo : the Quilo Signature.  It comes in flexible formats and sizes so that it can accommodate all co-branding cases.

Co-Branding Guidelines

How do you use the Quilo Signature? Download Guidelines and examples of usage.

Co-Branding Editable Assets

The Quilo Signature in various placements and sizes in AI and PDF format.

Product Placement

Guidelines and assets to be used whenever you are using the Quilo Mobile App or Desktop App or other visual elements.

Product Placement Guidelines

Guidelines and examples of how to use Quilo product shots and visual elements together.

Product Screenshots

Mobile and Desktop screenshots of the Quilo Mobile and Desktop App.

Quilo Communication

Creative Material and guidelines on how to reach out to your customers and let them know about Quilo! Below you will find everything you need to get traffic coming to your Quilo Landing Page.

Digital Campaign

Quilo has its own communication campaign - which you can use to get the word out to your customers.

Campaign Roll-Out

The campaign material provided is divided in three stages, as seen below. Please use the respective elements based on your own strategy.

Co-Branding Guidelines

Introducing Quilo to your customers.
Use the Teaser and Introduction Material found in the Launch Campaign creative kits.

1 - 3 Weeks

Main Campaign

Generic campaign that can run all year long. Use the material in the Main Campaign creative kits.


Event Campaigns

Creative that is targeted to specific event / holidays f.e. Christmas. Use this material before, during and after the event.

1 day - 2 weeks

...back to Main Campaign


Launch Campaign
Main Campaign
Event Campaigns

Introducing Quilo to your customers.
Use the Teaser and Introduction Material found in the Launch Campaign creative kits.

Generic campaign that can run all year long. Use the material in the Main Campaign creative kits.

Creative that is targeted to specific event / holidays f.e. Christmas. Use this material before, during and after the event.

...back to Main Campaign

1 - 3 Weeks


1 day - 2 weeks


Creative Campaign Presentation

Our creative campaign concept and ways to use it by Channel / Medium and by target audience.  How to use it, how you can adapt it and general information about roll out. Download and read first!

Launch Campaign

Creatives  in 1920x1080 size in AI and PNG format. Includes Facebook and Instagram adaptation.

Main Campaign

Creatives  in 1920x1080 size in AI and PNG. Includes Facebook and Instagram adaptation.

Events Campaign

Creatives  in 1920x1080 size in AI and PNG. Includes Facebook and Instagram adaptation.

Facebook Campaign Assets
FB Assets : Launch Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Facebook Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

FB Assets : Main Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Facebook Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

FB Assets : Events Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Facebook Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

Instagram Campaign Assets
INST Assets : Launch Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Instagram Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

INST Assets : Main Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Instagram Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

INST Assets : Events Campaign

Creatives  in 1200x628 size for use in a Instagram Ad Campaign in AI and PNG.

Youtube Campaign Assets
YT Assets : Long Versions

Video Formats (MP4)

YT Assets : Short Versions

Video Formats (MP4)

Email Campaign Assets
Email Template

HTML File and images for use in your Email Platform. Includes testing results in popular browsers and devices.

Print Material

Guidelines and assets to be used whenever you are using the Quilo Mobile App or Desktop App or other visual elements.

Printing Guidelines

Our creative campaign concept and ways to use it by Channel / Medium and by target audience.  How to use it, how you can adapt it and general information about roll out.

Mailer Creative

Creatives  in AI and PNG.

Billboard Creatives

Creatives  in 48" w x 14" h size in AI and PNG.

In-Bank Poster

Creatives in A3 paper size, vertical and horizontal, in AI and PNG

Drive-Through Card

Creatives  in AI and PNG.


Community Banks and Credit Unions have to be conscious of various regulatory requirements as those apply to promotion and marketing of Quilo loans.  While Quilo Marketing Creative comes with regulatory compliance in mind, your financial institution may choose to develop your own promotion creative material. If you are developing your own material, you agree to follow Quilo Marketing Guidelines.

Compliance Guidelines

Your creative material must meet various regulatory requirements including several federal and state laws and regulations below:

  • Federal compliance
    • Truth in Lending Act
    • Equal Credit Opportunity Act
    • Fair Lending Act
    • Consumer Credit Protection Act
    • Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices
    • CAN-SPAM Act
  • State Regulation as various states apply some constraints  to personal loans purpose, amounts, term or APR limits

Frequently Asked Questions